I want to customize the Minima theme. Why don’t I just clone the repository and integrate it into my project? Because that way is not easy to maintain. I would very difficult to keep track of the new progress of Minima project. A better way is forking the Minima project and modify it, then use the new theme in my blog site.


I have forked the minima, and renamed it to minima-rock. After a little modification, I can finally publish it. First, I need a RubyGems account, then follow commands below.

gem build minima-rock.gemspec
gem push minima-rock-VERSION.gem


  1. Add gem 'jekyll-remote-theme' in the Gemfile.
  2. Specify below in the _config.yml.

       - jekyll-remote-theme
     remote_theme: alxdhuang/minima-rock